Product name: AC Power Supply Unit.
Power supply voltage: 100 to 240VAC.
Output capacity: 5-VDC output capacity, 5A;
24-VDC output capacity, 0.8A;
Total power consumption, 25w CP1L-L10DT-A PDF.
Options: 24-VDC service power supply, No;
RUN output, Yes; Maintenance forecast monitor, No.
Standards: UC1, N, L, CE.
Equipped with the RUN output for,
checking the operation status,
as well as the replacement
notification function for easy,
Lineup of five models including the,
AC power supply (25W).
Stable power supply is available from the,
CJ-series CPU Unit to each I/O Units via the,
dedicated bus CP1L-L10DT-A PDF. The most suitable Power Supply,
Unit ccan be selected among various I/O ,
specifications and/or options CP1L-L10DT-A Manual. Connector 24 PIN Crimp Type C500-CE242Product name: E@@S type CPU Units with 10 I/O Points.
Specifications: Power Supply, 24 VDC; Inputs, 6; Outputs, 4;
Output type: Transistor (sourcing) CP1L-L10DT-A PDF.
Program capacity: 2K steps.
memory Data capacity: 2K words.
External powersupply(24 VDC): --.
Current consumption: 5 V, 0.11A; 24 V,--.
Standards: UC1, N, L, CE.
The CP1E Programmable Controller: Economical, Easy to use, and Efficient.
The E@@(S)-type Basic CPU Units provide cost,
performance and easy application with only basic functionality OMRON INSTRUCTIONS REFERENCE MANUAL.
The N@@(S@) and NA-types Application CPU Units,
support Programmable Terminal connection, position control,
and inverter connection. 24 VDC, Wired.Model: CPM2C-PA201. Input: 100 to 240 V AC.Output: 24 V DC/600 mA.Model: C200H-OD501 OMRON INSTRUCTIONS REFERENCE MANUAL.
No. of outputs: 32 pts.
Specifications: 5VDC.The unit comes with coaxial type.Type: Counter inputs, pulse outputs.
12 DC inputs: Yes.
Counter inputs: 2.
Analog inputs: None.
8 transsistor outputs: Yes CP1L-L10DT-A INSTRUCTIONS REFERENCE MANUAL.
2 pulse outputs: No.
2 analog outputs: Yes.For 8-slot Backplane.CV500-BS CPU Bus Unit BASIC Unit CV500-BSC61 OMRON INSTRUCTIONS REFERENCE MANUAL.
RS-232C: 1 port.
GP-IB: 1 port.
(w/EEPROM).Name: External Connector CP1L-L10DT-A Manual.
Model: C500-CE405.
Specifications: Crimp-style terminal; 40p and a Connector Cover (Horizontal-
type).Model : CVM1-PRS21-EV2.
For ladder.