Contact type: Microload (125 VAC, 0.1 A; 30 VDC 0.1 A).
Operation: Momentary operation (Self-resetting).
Output: SPDT.
Lighting: LED, 5 VDC.
Operation Unit color symbol: Enter the desired color symbol for the Pushbutton
n @. R (Red); Y (Yellow); G (Green); A (Blue); W (White).
Pushbutton Switch Series with .
Square 40-mm Body.
Combines miniature design with distinct but soft sense of operation
Easy panel mounting from the front and simple lamp replacement.
without tools. Contact type: Standard load (250 VAC, 2 A; 125 VDC 0.4 A).
Operation: Momentary operation (Self-resetting).
Output: SPDT.
Lighting: LED, 12 VDC.
Operation Unit color symbol: Enter the desired color symbol for the,
Pushbutton in @ R (Red); Y (Yellow); G (Green); A (Blue); W (White) DRT2-ID32ML-1.
Pushbutton Switch Series with.
Square 40-mm Body.
Combines miniature design with distinct but soft sense of operation.
Easy panel mounting from the front and simple lamp replacement.
without tools. Contact type: Microload (125 VAC, 0.1 A; 30 VDC 0.1 A).
Operation: Momentary operation (Self-resetting) DRT2-ID32ML-1.
Output: DPDT.
Lighting: LED, 24 VDC .
Operation Unit color symbol: Enter the desired color symbol for the Pushbutton,
in @@. R (Red); Y (Yellow); G (Green); A (Blue); W (White).
Pushbutton Switch Series with.
Square 40-mm Body.
Combines miniature design with distinct but soft sense of operation.
Easy panel mounting from the front and simple lamp replacement.
without tools. Connector / connector fixed bracketActuator: Lever.
Housing color: White.
Contact form: SPDT.
A Switch with Crimp-type.
Connectors Reduces.
Wiring Work. 9 mm long.
stroke (plunger model).
Choose from plunger or lever as the actuator type.
Crimp-type connector offers an easy wiring work and efficiency.
Snap-fit attachment for easy installation.
Providing long stroke with its unique mechanism.
Variety of color models available. Type: DC-switching with operation indicatorr DRT2-ID32ML-1.
Contact form: 3PDT. .
Cased: Plug-in (octal pins)terminals.
Stable Contact Reliability and Long Life.
Easy to mount, wire, and use.
A large selection of models including various contact forms,
DC-switching models, and open models.
Mechanical life: 5,000,000 operrattions; electrical life,
(under rated load): 500,000 operations DRT2-ID32ML-1.
Models also available with built-in diodes and for use as,
auxiliary power relays.
DRT2-ID32ML-1 Operation manual / Instructions / Catalog download link: