Model: C200H-ID215.
No. of inputs: 32 pts.
Model: C200H-MD215.
No. of I/O pts: 16 inputs, 16 outputs.
Specifications: 24VDC.ASCII Unit
This program runs independently from the ladder-diagram program in the PLC.
Name: ASCII Module.
Model: C200H-ASC21.
Communications port>Port 1: RS-232C(peripheral device or termi-nal connection).
Communications port>Port 2: RS-422A/485(peripheral Name: SYSMAC LINK Module C200H-ID215 OMRON.
Model: C200HW-SLK14
Communications method: N: N token bus.
Transmission method: Manchester code, base band.
Transmission path: Daisy chain.
Weight: 500g max.Model: C200H-TS001.
Temperature sensor: Thermocou-ples: K(CA), J(IC)(selectable).
Input points: 4 points/Unit max. (1, 2, or 4 points can be selected).C200H Discrete I/O Data Access Console C200H-DAC01ASCII Unit
This program runs independently from the ladder-diagram program in the PLC C200H-ID215 OMRON.
Name: ASCII Module.
Model: C200H-ASC02.
ASCII/BASIC Module Utility Software: For AT-compatible computers. enables program development, downloading, uploading, etc.Model: C200H-MP831.
Description: EPROM, 8K words, no clock.C200HS-CPU03-E CPU
High Performance, Small Rack Style
The C200HS-CPU01-E and C200HS-CPU03-E controllers offer some of the same basic functionality as models C200H-CPU21-E/CPU23-E C200H-ID215 OMRON.
These controllers have added capabilities ideally suited for high speed machine control,
which includes larger memory,
larger instruction set,
and increased speed.ASCII Unit
This program runs independently from the ladder-diagram program in the PLC.
Name: ASCII Module.
Model: C200H-ASC11.
Communications port>Port 1: RS-232C(peripheral device or termi-nal connection).
Communications port>PPort 2: RS-232C(peripheral deviHigh-speed Counter Unit
A High-speed Counter Unit counts input signals from incremental rotary encoders or other sources C200H-ID215.
Name: High-speed Counter Module.
Model: C200H-CT002.
Number of axes: 1 axis/Unit.
OOperating modes: 6 C200H-ID215. Model: C200HW-COM03-V1.
Specifications: One RS-422/485 port.Model: C200H-OA222V.
No. of points: 12 pts.
Specifications: 0.3A, 250VAC.